
Archive for November, 2015

30 User Experience Statistics From 2015 To Help You In 2016

30 User Experience Statistics From 2015 To Help You In 2016

Nowadays, the user experience is definitely the most important factor for Google and other search engines. Search engine optimization based on primary user experience.Google look at bounce rate, re-direction, identical pages, duplicate description, Website URL structures, your website load speed and many others for the user. They deliver appropriate search results for users. When they’re showing this results, they use user experience.

The past few years, Google made a lot of developments like Google Caffeine, Google Panda, Google Penguin, Google Knowledge Graph, Google Exact Match Domain, Google Hummingbird, Google HTTPS/SSL Update, Google Pigeon, Google Mobile-Friendly and Google Suggest to improve the user experience during users are searching. Also, they want to predict users next query to indicate more related search results.

Here’s what you’ll learn from Experience Dynamics infographic:

1. Mobile users are five times more likely to abandon the task (if the site is not optimized for mobile)
2. 96% of smartphones users have encountered sites that weren’t designed for mobile devices.
3. 79% of people who don’t like what they find on one site will fo back and search for another site
4. 61% of the user that if they didn’t find what they were looking for right away on a mobile site, they’d quickly move on to another site.
5. 48% of users say they feel frustrated and annoyed when on sites that are poorly optimized for mobile.
6. 52% of users said that a bad mobile experience made them less likely to engage with a company.
7. 71% of publishers say well-formed mobile content boosts users engagement.
8. 81% Shoppers research online before buying.
9. 60% Users who don’t buy cite dissatisfaction, not enough information, slow connection, or a small screen
10. 2/3 of mobile consumers are looking to make a purchase the same day.
11. 63% of both male and female shoppers complete purchase related to their mobile research.
12. 80% local searches on mobile phones convert.
13. 72% of shoppers globally identify the store as important or very important compared to 67% for the internet.
14. 94% of smartphone users look for local information on their phone.
15. 73% of people to buy a product or services.
16. 8/10 consumers who signed up for emails from a brand over the past six months made a purchase based on what they received.
17. More than 9/10 agreed with the statement that good users experience just make sense.
18. 83% say a seamless experience across all devices is somewhat or very important.
19. 9/10 consumers say that access to content, however, they want it is somewhat or very important; 59% say it’s very important
20. Email with social sharing buttons increases click-through rates by 150%
21. 77% Mobile search happens at home or work even when there’s a Desktop nearby available.
22. 55% Mobile search driven conversions happen in one hour or less.
23. 82% consumers enjoy reading relevant content from company blogs.
24. 70% Consumers learn about a company through their blogs, rather than ads.
25. 60% Consumers feel more positive about a brand after consuming content from it.
26. Males are significantly more likely than females to scan a coupon or QR code to get access to information.
27. 90% of users reported they stopped using an app due to poor performance.
28. 84% of companies expect to increase their focus on customer experience measurement and metrics.
29. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of companies currently not conducting user experience testing will be doing so in the next 12 months.
30. The revenue impact from a 10% point improvement in a company’s customers experiences score can translate into more than one Billion.

30 User Experience Statistics You Can't Ignore Today

Improve your user experience By Using Easy Media Local SEO Services 

Alok Raghuwanshi is an India-based SEO Professional, and author of an SEO and social media marketing blog. Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.. Thanks and have an amazing day!

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