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Video: Matt Cutts On In Term of SEO How you Can Differentiate Strong From B Tags

Is there a difference between the  ”strong”and & “b” tags in terms of SEO?

Is there a difference between the  “strong”and & “b” tags in terms of SEO?

Google’s head of search spam Matt Cutts from discussing it further in a new Webmaster Help Video in response to the user-submitted question:

In terms of SEO, what is the difference between strong tag and bold tag for emphasis on certain words of text. From the user perspective, both tags have the same effect (words in bold). Which tag should we use, in which circumstances? Jean-Marc G, Paris, France

Here is the video for you all to watch:

Checked with reference to the documents mentioned below…

I saw this news on Matt Cutts on Twitter  and then “SHARE” it on Google+…I received excellent information,  he explained this point very well….!!

Alok Raghuwanshi is an India-based SEO Professional, and author of an SEO and social media marketing blog. Take a look and let me know what you think by including your comment below. Thank you and have a great day.

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