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Google is Dropping Sidebar Ads in Their Search Results

Google is removing all Right Hand Side Ads on SERPs worldwide

When we searched Google ads usually found at the top on the bottom, in the sidebar, but this last section seems to be free again.

The report in the SEM Post, and have confirmed from Google: the change will affect everyone, in all languages, and has already begun to be implemented.

Google says the change is global

Google is switching up its ads

At the top now 4 advertisements will appear, and the side will now focus on showing Google products and services, not related to your Adwords project.

Since Google report that they have been testing this system for some time among a specific audience, and from day 22 of this month more people will expand further, but do not indicate whether it is something permanent or not (although we know that permanent, there is nothing in the web world).

The side section has been dedicated in a while to show information cards of various types in a while, and apparently bet Google will continue down that road. Profit surely outweighed by the top four ads (until last year were three), so not overly affect the profit of the company. Who did you notice are the advertisers, who now have fewer regions to make their auctions AdWords.

What will happen now that ‪Google‬ has removed right rail ads?

Many advertisers are wondering what this means for ‪Paid Search‬ and what they should do about it. Aaron Levy shares his predictions and advice here (Google Removed Right Rail Ads Now What)


Google is removing the ads from the right side and will only display ads at the top of the page. This means that QS will weight more in the adRank and also the CPC will increase. because the competition on the top-of-page ads will increase. We will see a decrease in impressions, especially on the long tail search keywords.


Alok Raghuwanshi is an India-based SEO Professional and author of an SEO and social media marketing blog. If you have anything about this post please let us know. And always, follow us on Twitter @araghuwanshi6 like us on facebook.com/onlinemarketingblog and Circle SEO Forecast.

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